Monday, December 8, 2014

Augsburg College From Above

Got the chance to snap this picture from the 8th floor lobby of Urness right as the snow fell a few weeks ago.
(c) 2014 Bill Berger

Thursday, December 4, 2014

When Life Gives You Rattlesnake, Sew it on to Your Shoes

A few weeks ago, my coworker Gabe came up to me and offered me a proposition. The bag of pretzels in his lunch in exchange for me taking the haunted rattlesnake skin his grandpa gave him off his hands. After making him explain two more times just to be sure I understood, I was the proud owner of a supposedly haunted reptilian skin. Unsure of what to do with it, it sat on my desk until I had the idea of sewing it to some old shoes I have. Shown below is a photo I shot of the end result.

Hand sewn with clothing thread and a needle, I'm not sure how well they will hold up with actual use. In the future if I ever attempt something like this again, I'll probably use a leather punch and thicker waxed string to sew the skin to the shoe.

(c) Bill Berger 2014

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The World's First Social Telepresence

Don't worry, I had no idea what it meant at first either. After scrolling through the company's crowdfunding page I begin to piece it together. Omnipresenz, a Barcelona based start up company wants to create a system that will "guide the actions of a real human avatar located anywhere in the world" all while you sit comfortably on your MacBook. Essentially, a camera is mounted to a person, somewhere in the world, and someone else can watch and control that human avatar via the real time video and audio they send you. Users can simply observe a foreign land, or they can control the avatar to a certain degree of their bidding. Good deeds such as buying a stranger some food or getting a dog a treat are available as long as the users vote on it first. With the introduction of cheaper electronics and worldwide connectivity comes new enterprises and experiences. What are your thoughts on avatar services such as this one?